Science Domain journals are determined to promote integrity in research publication. ScienceDomain journals follow the guidelines, given by COPE for any publication disputes (


Publication charge of Science Domain international journals is extremely low compared to other open access publishers. It is commendable that even at such low cost they are providing transparent OPEN Peer review and post-publication peer review, DOI, permanent digital Archiving, wide indexing, etc.


Science Domain journals follow the guidelines regarding ‘Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing’, established by the COPE, the DOAJ, the OASPA. Science Domain journals additionally publicly publish a ‘self-compliance report’ for public and scholarly scrutiny (


Since inception, this publisher is making constant efforts to promote integrity and transparency. It is completely baseless libel that SCIENCE DOMAIN international is a predatory publisher, as no other publisher put these much efforts to adhere to best publishing practices.



Please see more information below 





 Publication charge of Science Domain international journals is extremely low compared to other open access publishers who often charge several hundred or thousands of dollars from authors. It is commendable that even at such low cost they are providing excellent and transparent OPEN Peer review service, DOI, permanent digital Archiving, wide indexing, etc. Papers published in Science Domain journals are attracting huge visitors as more than two millions visitors visited their journals with more than 7.9 million page view (see: It has attracted more than 22 thousands manuscript submission and published more than ten thousands papers. It is really an exciting record for any new publisher. Science Domain international journal Web sites provide the ability for users to comment on articles to facilitate community evaluation and discourse around published articles. Comment section is mainly dedicated to promote "Post-publication peer review". Therefore, all Science Domain international journals strictly follow 'pre-publication OPEN peer review' and strongly encourage "Post-publication peer review".  Science Domain international journals follow transparent and toughest ‘Advanced OPEN peer review’ system (Detailed general information is available in this link: High quality manuscripts are peer-reviewed by minimum two peers of the same field. OPEN peer review system provides the provision to reveal the identities of the authors and reviewers to each other during review process. In order to add transparency further, details of all reviewers and academic editors are published in the first page of every published paper (in the Article Information section: see example). As a final step to provide highest level transparency in the process, all review comments, authors' feedbacks, all versions of the manuscript and editorial comments are published (along with date) with the paper in 'Review History' link (See example 1example 2example 3, etc). This transparent process will help to eradicate any possible malicious/purposeful interference by any person (publishing staff, reviewer, editor, author, etc) during peer review.


Science Domain journals are determined to promote integrity in research publication. Science Domain journals follow the guidelines, given by COMMITTEE ON PUBLICATION ETHICS (COPE) for any publication disputes, authorship disputes, etc. Please see following three pages to know the related polices followed by SDI journal.

a. General Editorial policy:

b. Plagiarism related policy:

c. Correction and retraction policy is available here:


Examples of some cases are presented below. Detailed investigation reports and communications are digitally archived. 

1. Example 1 (

2. Example 2 (

3. Example 3 (

4. Example 4 (



Science Domain journals follow the excellent guidelines regarding ‘Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing’, established by the Committee on Publication Ethics, the Directory of Open Access Journals, the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association and the World Association of Medical Editors. Science Domain journals sincerely thank OASPA-DOAJ-COPE-WAME for this great effort. Science Domain journals additionally publicly publish a ‘self-compliance report’ for public and scholarly scrutiny. Science Domain journals heartily welcome any valuable feedback to improve (see here:



Since inception, this publisher is making constant efforts to promote integrity and transparency. It is completely baseless libel that SCIENCE DOMAIN international is a predatory publisher, as no other publisher put these much efforts to adhere to best publishing practices.

Please see more information below